Sunday, August 26, 2012

Welcome to the Live to Love LOLC

What is a LOLC?!

It is a club, an organization,
a group of individuals who share a common idea.
The idea is Living to Love,
and Loving to Live.
Doing what you can to Love yourself,
your family, your life.
Sounds easy, would you like to join?

LOLC is a parody on a lot of things...
a corporate LLC, religious groups,
government, lodges, clubs...
its for poking fun at life
and the ways we try to connect and share.
And for creating a new way for kind caring people
to connect with the community around them
and share their gifts and talents.

It is a Laugh Out Loud Club,

it is a Lots of Love Club,

it is a Light of Life Club,

and it is affectionately know as:
The Loyal Order of Lucky Charmers

The symbols of the club are:
green clover, pink hearts, blue diamonds,
purple horseshoes, smiley faces, and rainbows.

There are many ways to join this club.

You can pay $3 per year
to receive full rights and privileges
as a member of Live to Love LOLC.
You will have access to community potlucks in your area, service projects you can volunteer at,
and the opportunity to request assistance
on a project of your own.

If you join at the $111 level
you will receive a t-shirt with the symbols of the club on it.

If you join at the $1111 level
you will receive 33 silver pieces,
approximately 1/4 ounce each,
 hand crafted by artisans and pressed with symbols of the Live to Love LOLC.
The silver pieces value in precious metal
 is approximately $300
and its collector's value
as handcrafted art and collectible rounds -
time will only tell...  

We are very importantly a sobriety club.  
All Live to Love LOLC events are drug and alcohol free!

We believe life is meant to be lived joyfully,
following your heart and passion
and allowing these choices to create abundant opportunities to fulfill your body's daily requirements.
Once your cup is full, let it overflow
and share abundantly through charitable acts of service... This is an ancient recipe for a joyful life.  

The money collected from memberships will be used to purchase properties in inner cities and pay members of the LOLC to fix them up and then rent them for affordable sliding scale prices to members of the LOLC.
We will purchase old churches and turn them
into community centers, and farms in the country
 and begin a network of cottage industries that put money in the hand of the worker, not a union, CEO, or other entity. 

It is our intention to provide ways for people
to become wildly abundant doing what they love,
and only for 25-30 hours a week -
because we all know we would love to spend more time
with ourselves, our families, our friends, and our loved ones.  We will reward people for doing good things to themselves, their community, their neighborhoods, and the planet... 

Sound like bliss?  


Payment Options

You don't have to do anything once you are a member at all.  If you like you may just join and follow our adventures on the website and see what you have helped support.  You can attend a local weekly potluck if you like, join a garden co-operative, help out at a service project... or assist on the web-design and infrastructure of the online community.

This is YOUR club.

This is OUR dream.

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting idea. Not unlike crowd funding. I for one am especially fond of the sober aspect, being a friend of Bill W.

    You should place this in a 'real' domain ( is available) then SEO the hell out of it.

    Buona Fortuna (good luck)!

    - DB
